May the Traders nurture our fortunes as They kindle the flames which burn within us all. For by fire are we reborn.

Dawn Flower

Beneath cloudless skies, The Traders smile.

  rule 001.    rp/life balance
My availability is sporadic as hell and who knows when I'm online! If we become acquainted I will try and make contact, but y'know! Life........ finds a way :) To be annoying :)

  rule 002.    terms of engagement
Communication and respect are the rules of thumb, and I reserve the right to deny any roleplay I am not comfortable with.RP with Valti is for the moment SFW only! Friendship pursuit is encouraged!

  rule 003.    rp content
I am open to most things, but certain sensitive subjects need to be communicated ahead of time so players are on the same page.

  rule 004.    Absolutely Not Allowed
My no go topics: incest, tbd beyond that. If there is a transition to nsfw being on the table squick kinks will be added.

  rule 005.    its okay to not like things
Don't Be A Dick About The Things You Don't Like

  rule 006.    Nanamo & Me
The character and the player are not the same. Things that're good with Nanamo are not necessarily good with me.

  •   name    Nanamo Ul Namo.

  •   alias    Sultana.

  •   age    25.

  •   pronouns    She/Her.

  •   race    Lalafell...

  •   romance    Demiromantic.

  •   sexuality    Questioning.

  •   location    Ul'dah.

  •   job(s)    Sultana (moonlights as a bouncer).

  PERSONALITY    Nanamo is headstrong and forthright insofar as her political dealings go. Though her approach has become more subtle and nuanced with age, she still labors long to improve her citizens' lives.She longs to undo the wrongs of her forebearers, being as transparent as possible about the recent truths found about Sil'dih and Ul'dah.As a means to sluff off some of the stresses she's taken up new means to express herself, dabbling in various hobbies such as painting, fencing, and dabbling in recreational dancing.

  APPEARANCE   Nanamo skews to the paler side of Ul'dahan skintones due to her Mother's mixed heritage and her biological father's Seawolf ancestry. Due to this she often is covered up more than not wrist to ankle to keep from being sunburned.Though her hair was much paler in her youth, as of late her hair color has darkened considerably, likely due to the increased need to work on the swaths of paperwork and other political dealings.Due to her position she often wears several rings, necklaces, and earrings, mostly heirloom pieces. Otherwise her outfits outside of her Sultana duties come in many shapes and styles.

  •   height    7’6.7″ | 230.38.

  •   weight    don't be rude.

  •   eyes    green.

  •   hair    pink.

  •   scars    scars.

  •   languages    eorzean common, othardian common, garlean common, some hingashi.

  •   ethnicity    ul'dahan.

  •   voiceclaim    Erin Fitzgerald.

  biography   Nanamo's father, Sasabal Ul Sisibal, was the son of the royal House of Ul, while her mother, Nanasha Ul Nasha, was the daughter of a modest merchant. The two of them met at a banquet held to mingle the nobility and commoners, and it was love at first sight.When Nanamo was only five years old her parents died in an accident; though Nanamo suspects that it was actually an assassination made to look like an accident, carried out by the Monetarists, who her father opposed politically. With her parents dead, Nanamo was crowned sultana at the young age of five.Naturally, none so young could fathom the intricacies of government, and the sultana was relegated to the role of royal puppet. Despite having ruled for more than a decade and a half, to this day, many dare to accuse her of being little more than a mammet mouthing the Syndicate's words.At the age of nine, she surprised the city-state by pardoning Raubahn Aldynn on a whim. As his Coliseum winnings were conferred upon him, the Bull of Ala Mhigo swore an undying oath to serve as the Sultana's sword. When he joined the Syndicate, Raubahn made good on this promise, and remains a loyal friend to Nanamo to this day.After years of working to improve Ul'dah, Nanamo has come into her own as Sultana. However due to unforeseen circumstances Nanamo has undergone a sudden life change in the form of a growth spurt. Whatever might have caused such a thing remains subject to conjecture. Was it a curse? Some latent side effect from their poisoning? Or was there more intrigue to Sasabal and Nanasha's marriage than originally thought?Whatever the reason life goes on, and all Nanamo can do is adapt.

standing about lamenting my naivety will not do anyone any good. I shall consider my lesson learned, and press on.

  • strengths

  •   strength  

  •   strength  

  •   strength  

  •   strength  

  •   strength  

  • weaknesses

  •   weakness  

  •   weakness  

  •   weakness  

  •   weakness  

  •   weakness  

  • flaws

  •   flaws  

  •   flaws  

  •   flaws  

  •   flaws  

  •   flaws  

  EXTRA DETAILS    lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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The Sultana Look Book

The bustling commercial hub of Ul'dah sits amid the desolate desert landscape of southern Aldenard. The city is organized strategically around the dome-shaped citadel at the center. Its towering fortifications and protective outer walls are visible for malms in all directions to deter would-be besiegers.Visitors from every corner of Eorzea come to Ul'dah to partake of the city's famed recreation, most notably the fighting arenas and gambling halls. Ul'dahn culture is known for its affluence, and the nation's wealth largely comes from its abundant mineral resources and prestigious clothcrafting industry.Historically, the sultan claims sovereignty over Ul'dah, but true power is wielded by the Syndicate, an elite group of six of the most influential and richest members of society. Nald'thal is the city's patron deity and two great halls devoted to his two aspects are found in the eastern and western sections of the city.

Deep in the sunbaked south, surrounded by the shifting sands of an endless desert, she rises. A solitary rose amidst the dust and rock. A symbol of defiance. Her name: Ul'dah. Even with the coming of the Seventh Umbral Era, hope springs eternal for the mongers and merchants who vie for lost fortunes in this bustling oasis. As the Twin Faces of Nald'thal maintain Their vigil over all that has been and shall be, the present proffers a brave soul...